Box 1: Administrator management endpoint
Note: The developers report high chargeback costs for the dev1 region.
Two integrated systems that are dedicated to application development and have the following configurations:
- The integrated systems are disconnected from the Internet. The workloads in the user subscriptions have Internet access.
- One integrated system has a region name of dev1, and the other has a region name of dev2.
- Both regions are used only by developers at Northwind Traders.
The request gets consumption details for the requested subscriptions and for the requested time frame. There is no request body.
This usage API is a provider API, so the caller must be assigned an Owner, Contributor, or Reader role in the provider's subscription.
Method, Request URI
GET &reportedEndTime={reportedEndTime}&aggregationGranularity={granularity}&subscriberId={sub1.1}&api-version=2015-06-01-preview&continua
* armendpoint
Azure Resource Manager endpoint of your Azure Stack Hub environment. The Azure Stack Hub convention is that the name of the Azure Resource Manager endpoint is in the format For example, for the Azure Stack Development Kit (ASDK), if the domain name is local.azurestack.external, then the Resource Manager endpoint is
* subId
Subscription ID of the user who makes the call.
* Etc.
Box 2: Get-AzsSubscriberUsage
Retrieve usage information
To generate the usage data, you should have resources that are running and actively using the system; for example, an active virtual machine (VM), or a storage account containing some data. If you're not sure whether you have any resources running in the Azure Stack Hub Marketplace, deploy a VM, and verify the VM monitoring blade to make sure it's running. Use the following PowerShell cmdlets to view the usage data:
- Install PowerShell for Azure Stack Hub.
- Configure the Azure Stack Hub user or the Azure Stack Hub operator PowerShell environment.
- To retrieve the usage data, call the Get-AzsSubscriberUsage PowerShell cmdlet:
Get-AzsSubscriberUsage -ReportedStartTime "2017-09-06T00:00:00Z"