You are creating a new server with the same accounts as an existing server. You do this by importing a mysqldump file of the mysql database.
You test whether the import was successful by using the following commands:
Mysql> select user, host, password from mysql.user;
9 rows in set (0.00 sec)
Mysql> show grants for ‘admin’@’%’;
ERROR 1141 (42000): There is no such grant defined for user ‘admin’ on host ‘%’
Which command will fix this issue?
What are two methods of taking a binary backup of a Mysql Server using InnoDB storage engine?
Consider the Mysql Enterprise Audit plugin.
Which statement is true when you identify a connection event that has used external authentication?
You execute the following statement in a Microsoft Windows environment. There are no conflicts in the path name definitions.
C: \> mysqld – install Mysql56 – defaults – file = C : \my –opts.cnf
What is the expected outcome?