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CPC Exam Results

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Certified Professional Coder (CPC) Exam Questions and Answers

Question 21

View MR 005398

MR 005398

Operative Report

Preoperative Diagnosis: Nonfunctioning right kidney with ureteral stricture.

Postoperative Diagnosis: Nonfunctioning right kidney with ureteral stricture.

Procedure: Right nephrectomy with partial ureterectomy.

Findings and Procedure: Under satisfactory general anesthesia, the patient was placed in the right flank position. Right flank and abdomen were prepared and draped out of the sterile field. Skin incision was made between the 11th and 12th ribs laterally. The incision was carried down through the underlying subcutaneous tissues, muscles, and fascia. The right retroperitoneal space was entered. Using blunt and sharp dissection, the right kidney was freed circumferentially. The right artery, vein, and ureter were identified. The ureter was dissected downward where it is completely obstructed in its distal extent. The ureter was clipped and divided distally. The right renal artery was then isolated and divided between 0 silk suture ligatures. The right renal vein was also ligated with suture ligatures and 0 silk ties. The right kidney and ureter were then submitted for pathologic evaluation. The operative field was inspected, and there was no residual bleeding noted, and then it was carefully irrigated with sterile water. Wound closure was then undertaken using 0 Vicryl for the fascial layers, 0 Vicryl for the muscular layers, 2-0 chromic for subcutaneous tissue, and clips for the skin. A Penrose drain was brought out through the dependent aspect of the incision. The patient lost minimal blood and tolerated the procedure well.

What CPT® coding is reported for this case?










Question 22

The documentation states:

He was then sterilely prepped and draped along the flank and abdomen in the usual sterile fashion. I first made a skin incision off the tip of the twelfth rib, extending medially along the banger’s lines of the skin. This was approximately 3.5 cm in length. Once this incision was carried sharply, electrocautery was used to gain access through the external oblique, internal oblique, and transverse abdominis musculature and fascia.

What surgical approach was used for this procedure?







Cannot determine based on the documentation



Question 23

View MR 099407

MR 099407

Emergency Department Visit

Chief Complaint: VOMITING.

This started just prior to arrival and is still present. He has had nausea and vomiting. No diarrhea, black stools, bloody stools or abdominal pain. Pt is diabetic and has been having elevated blood sugars (320 mg/dL).

REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: Unobtainable due to patient's altered mental status.

PAST HISTORY: Poorly controlled diabetes mellitus, with history of poor compliance.

Medications: See Nurses Notes.

Allergies: PCN.

SOCIAL HISTORY: Nonsmoker. No alcohol use or drug use.

ADDITIONAL NOTES: The nursing notes have been reviewed.


Appearance: Lethargic. Patient in mild distress.

Vital Signs: Have been reviewed-tachycardic.

Eyes: Pupils equal, round and reactive to light.

ENT: Dry mucous membranes present.

Neck: Normal inspection. Neck supple.

CVS: Tachycardia. Heart sounds normal. Pulses normal.

E D. Course: Insulin IV drip per protocol, at 10 units/hr.

Zofran 8 mg 01:33 Jul 13 2008 IVP.

Phenergan 25 mg IVP. 07:52. Discussed case with physician. Dr. X. Reviewed test results. Agreed upon treatment plan. Physician will see patient in hospital.

Total critical care time: 45 min.

Disposition: Admitted to Intensive Care Unit. Condition: stable.

Admit decision based on need for monitoring and IV hydration and medications.

CLINICAL IMPRESSION: Vomiting, diabetic ketoacidosis, probable diabetes insipidus.

What E/M code is reported for this encounter?





99291, 99292





Question 24

A Medicare patient that is on dialysis for ESRD is seen by the nurse for a Hep B vaccination. This patient is given a dialysis patient dosage as part of a three-dose schedule. The nurse administers the Hep B vaccine in the right deltoid. The physician reviews the chart and signs off on the nurse's note.

What procedure and diagnosis codes are reported for the scheduled vaccine injection for this Medicare patient?



90471, 90746, Z23, N18.6, Z99.2


G0010, 90740, Z23, N18.6, Z99.2


90471, 90746, Z23, B19.10, N18.6, Z99.2


99211-25, G0010, 90740, B19.10, N18.6, Z99.2

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