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CCA175 Premium Exam Questions

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CCA Spark and Hadoop Developer Exam - Performance Based Scenarios Questions and Answers

Question 13

Problem Scenario 77 : You have been given MySQL DB with following details.






jdbc URL = jdbc:mysql://quickstart:3306/retail_db

Columns of order table : (orderid , order_date , order_customer_id, order_status)

Columns of ordeMtems table : (order_item_id , order_item_order_ld , order_item_product_id, order_item_quantity,order_item_subtotal,order_ item_product_price)

Please accomplish following activities.

1. Copy "retail_db.orders" and "retail_db.order_items" table to hdfs in respective directory p92_orders and p92 order items .

2. Join these data using orderid in Spark and Python

3. Calculate total revenue perday and per order

4. Calculate total and average revenue for each date. - combineByKey



Question 14

Problem Scenario 59 : You have been given below code snippet.

val x = sc.parallelize(1 to 20)

val y = sc.parallelize(10 to 30) operationl


Write a correct code snippet for operationl which will produce desired output, shown below. Array[lnt] = Array(16,12, 20,13,17,14,18,10,19,15,11)


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