As an Applications DBA, you have been asked to apply a patch that updates the Applications Context file and runs AutoConfig. The application does not work properly with the new, updated application environment. What should you do to roll back an AutoConfig session?
Which two statements are correct about Rapid Clone? (Choose two.)
As a database administrator (DBA), you have been trying to apply a maintenance patch, but it has failed to run successfully to completion. You check the AD Administration log file for an error. The log file reveals several entries that are generic errors about the inability of patch codes to have access to product packages from the GL product modules. You remember that one of the occasions when you should run the Recreate Grants and Synonyms AD Administration utility is if the patch and the administrative sessions fail to run successfully to completion. You have found one occasion to use this utility in the case above. Now choose three other occasions when you would run this process again. (Choose three.)
Which two tasks can you perform with the Application DBA (AD) Controller utility? (Choose two.)