Which of the following service acts as a login service provider for Finacle?
SVSfacilitates the following through FI
Report can be generated in SSO for the following ________________________.
RHM user cannot have different roles in different banks.
Queued workflow activities of a particular user can be accessed by invoking _______.
The menu to inquire whether a process deployed has been approved or not is HWFAUDI.
In the context of Cash Withdrawal at ATM, CSIS provides the same functionality as Uniserver.
FCSE is a tool for:
SVS provides multi-lingual and multi-entity support.
"Finacle can co-exist with the existing intranet architecture of the bank". The statement is:
The parameter "ENABLED=N" in finbranch.properties would allow the user to enter data in ONS screens.
Activities of AMC users in RI is/are:
It is possible to calculate charges using scripting for the messages coming from delivery channels.
The specification file of MRT has:
Maha Report Template is a graphical user interface designer
RI acts as a central place where all the reports of Finacle Core and CRM can be administered and accessed.
Jasper Reports is a Java-based report engine that uses _______.
Values of which of the following variables in MRT cannot be changed during processing?
Reporting Infrastructure can be used to administer and access:
(i) Finacle DB is updated continuously with latest updates from CSIS DB
(ii)CSIS DB is updated continuously with latest updates from Finacle DB
(iii)Transmit updates CSIS DB with updates from Finacle DB
Which of the above statement(s) is/are false?
_______ is responsible for putting a contra entry leg of the cash withdrawals that happens from ATM.
NAPI stands for ______________________