With which of these functions in an organization are Learning Management Systems NOT associated?
Successfactors Mobile enables reviewing and commenting on documents.
SAP JAM connects
Termination is handled in Employee Central as a part of:
Which of the following is a component of base pay?
Recruiting Marketing platform does NOT support vieiwng candidate visitor demographics:
SAP Cloud Payroll version b1210 has:
One-page candidate application can be prepared using:
Successfactors Mobile stores application data on the device.
Which SuccessFactors feature helps the management to garner information about employee strengths and his/her hidden aptitude?
Employee system works on:
As a part of Startegy-Recruitment fit, recruiting emphasizes more on advertising job postings than maintaining and leveraging relationships.
Recruiting Dashboard is a part of:
Transfers is handled in Employee Central as a part of:
Learning dashboard helps analyze:
1. Item completions
2. Learning projections
3. Registrations
4. Curriculum status
Talent Gaps can be filled up by which of the following?
SAP Cloud payroll is a: