Which of the following techniques could be used to filter data read from a flat file source?
Given the picture shown below:
How many columns would be selected from the database using PowerCenter's generated sql statement?
Can you use a Decode function to perform multiple searches based on a single search value?
Which statement is correct regarding User-Defined Functions (UDF)?
Transformation: Referring to Active and Passive characteristics - Select the statement which is correct and true.
Which of the following Is NOT true of Aggregate functions?
By default workflows always have a run status of succeeded. Identify the methods to change the run status of the workflow. For the puposes of this question, assume there are no worklets in the workflow.
A workflow has a session task. Both workflow and session each have been assigned a different parameter file. Which value will be set for $$ParameterValue in the session when using the following two parameter files?"
Workflow Parameter file:
[Global] $$ParameterValue=l
[Session] $$ParameterValue=2
Session Parameter file:
[Global] $$ParameterValue=3
[Session] $$ParameterValue=4
Which of following statements is valid for Dynamic lookups?
Which of the following is true about database connections?