Which of the following is the overall installation process?
Principles for selecting distribution columns in table design include
(Multiple choice) What input file formats does Migration Tool currently support?
(Judgment) GaussDB 200 supports running on general-purpose servers, and only supports general-purpose servers based on x86_64 architecture.
Whether the GTM and DN instance status of the instance active / standby switchover is normal.
Which of the following is the use scenario of the tenant function?
Can the query name execution process containing the numbers created by the following use cases be pushed down to the DN for execution?
(Which of the following clauses is dedicated to the condition filtering function in GROUP BY operation
Which of the following is not a tenant parameter configuration item
(Multiple choice) Which of the following components can the Stream operator be executed on?
What other optimizations can be made to the audit function?
Which of the TOAST data storage strategies allow compression?
The column storage engine is more suitable for OLAP big data statistical analysis scenarios.
Which of the following is the syntax for creating stored procedures in GaussDB 200?
The entire system network of GaussDB 200 is divided into planes?
The promotion and distribution of CSN are managed in ()
Restrictions on size reduction?
Creating a database can specify compatible parameters
(Which of the following is not a binary type
A large enterprise will divide the batch operation into the logical cluster lc_1 and the real-time query service into the logical cluster lc_2
Divide sub-tenant t1_1 in lc_1 and bind to u1.
Divide sub-tenant t2_1 in lc_2 and bind to u3
The following statement about logical clusters is correct