An airline company employee notices that she has access to one of the company’s applications
that she has not used before. Is this an information security incident?
An employee in the administrative department of Smiths Consultants Inc. finds out that the expiry
date of a contract with one of the clients is earlier than the start date. What type of measure could
prevent this error?
In the organization where you work, information of a very sensitive nature is processed.
Management is legally obliged to implement the highest-level security measures. What is this
kind of risk strategy called?
The act of taking organizational security measures is inextricably linked with all other measures
that have to be taken. What is the name of the system that guarantees the coherence of
information security in the organization?
You are the owner of a growing company, SpeeDelivery, which provides courier services. You
decide that it is time to draw up a risk analysis for your information system. This includes an
inventory of the threats and risks. What is the relation between a threat, risk and risk analysis?
A Dutch company requests to be listed on the American Stock Exchange. Which legislation within
the scope of information security is relevant in this case?
Some threats are caused directly by people, others have a natural cause. What is an example of
an intentional human threat?
You are the owner of SpeeDelivery courier service. Because of your companys growth you have
to think about information security. You know that you have to start creating a policy. Why is it so
important to have an information security policy as a starting point?
What is the greatest risk for an organization if no information security policy has been defined?
Why is air-conditioning placed in the server room?
What is the relationship between data and information?
Which type of malware builds a network of contaminated computers?