Which colour is commonly associated with anything seen to be environmentally-friendly?
‘Profit, planet, people’ is also known as the:
Which one of the following would not be likely to represent a technologically-advanced solution in warehousing management development?
The Brundtland Commission, which studied and made recommendations about sustainability was sponsored by the:
What is the chemical formula for nitrous oxide?
Which one of the following is not a form of warehouse flow design?
‘XXX inclines can be used to move items from an upper floor to a lower floor’. What is XXX?
An Environmental Impact Assessment does not necessarily include cumulative effects or impacts.
True or false?
The principle that organisations responsible for creating pollution should be made financially liable for remedial action, is called:
What is being described here: ‘supply chain management practices and strategies that reduce the environment and energy footprint of freight distribution’?
Which is the greatest source overall of noise pollution in the developed world?
The letters ‘ETI’ stand for:
The term ‘the triple bottom line’ was coined in which year?
Which of the following are likely to be significant contributors to environmental damage caused by warehouses?
‘Hiring XXX labour is one aspect of acting as a good corporate citizen, because employing XXX people helps to create a successful XXX community’. To be a good corporate citizen, which word fits best to replace XXX?
Which one of the following countries is not renowned for growing cotton?
Which is the ISO standard for Environmental Management Systems?
The traditional (ie non-environmentally friendly) manufacturing model has been described as:
Which transport mode is the least air polluting (per tonne / km)?
One organisation has published a guide, as part of its Knowledge Summary series, which sets out requirements for ethical behaviour from suppliers. The guide is entitled ‘Ethical business practices in purchasing and supply’. Which organisation published the guide?
‘A concept whereby companies integrate social and environmental concerns in their business opera-tions and in their interaction with their stakeholders on a voluntary basis’. What is the European Commission defining here?
A XXX YYY - a number of similar items or packages assembled into one batch, usually cube-shaped, often capable of being stacked relatively easily.
Which of the following would logically and normally be factors in the design and layout of a new warehouse?
The process of removing items from storage racks and spaces in a warehouse so that the items can be issued and onwards transmitted.
Of what is this a description?
Which one of the following does not require Environmental Impact Assessment under UK legisla-tion?
‘XXX occurs when productive land is made economically unproductive, for example by large scale deforestation. XXX is caused largely by pressures for subsistence food production, growing com-mercial crops, and meat production in arid and semi-arid areas’
Choose two which are from the ‘three pillars of sustainability’: