A client has implemented a custom integer field in the nmsRecipient schema called Activity Rating. The field is populated during an import process that runs highly. The ActivityRating can contain a value between 0 and 9. When targeting recipients, it is common for the client to specify the ActivityRating should be between a range, for example, between 2 and 5. What is a way to repeat this query?
A developer needs to check for missing personalization before sending deliveries to the targetedaudience and cancel the particular delivery. How would the developer do this?
A developer develops a workflow where two activities are used in the beginning, one below the other. The first is to query all the audiences living in Canada, and the second is to query audiences with gender as male. A developer added a third activity, which is Exclusion, and added both the queries' results to it. What would be the end result?
How does a developer find the SQL name of the outbound worktable?
A customer needs an automated process to send event notifications every 15 minutes to a group of users. No user should receive the same notification twice. What activities should the Adobe Campaign Classic developer use in the Campaign workflow to perform this?
What is the maximum recommended number of concurrent workflows that should be executed in an Adobe Campaign instance?
A developer needs to insert a JavaScript activity that will be used to query the temp table in a workflow. How should the developer verify the name of the temporary schema to be used in JavaScript?
A developer wants to count the recipient profiles with their email, first name, last name, and the number of total subscriptions to identify the most interested persons for the subscription services. How would the developer do this?
A developer is building a workflow to insert a customer's favorite video game from a file collected by SFTP. An enrichment activity is used to reconcile the file data and recipient data, allowing the file data to be used to personalize deliveries. How will these personalization fields appear in the delivery content?
A client requires downloading a CSV file from an AWS S3 bucket on a scheduled basis and processing the contents to update a custom schema in the Adobe Campaign Classic instance. Which component should be used to implement the AWS S3 connection?
Review the code below and mark the correct option:
Copy code
var query = NLWS.xtkQueryDef.create({
queryDef: {
schema: 'nms:recipient',
operation: 'select',
lineCount: '5',
select: { node: [
{expr: '@firstName'},
{expr: '@lastName'},
{expr: '@email'}
What would be the correct code to retrieve the email for each record?
What is a use case for a custom target mapping in Adobe Campaign Classic?
Where does the developer need to configure the additional attributes so they are automatically captured in the broad log at the time of sending?
An Adobe Campaign Classic Developer needs to set up a workflow that imports customer data from an S3 bucket on a daily basis. The records must be stored in an existing Campaign table. Which sequence of workflow activities should the Developer use?
A new file must be loaded into Adobe Campaign Classic, and the file contains data in XML format. Which activity should be used to import this file?