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Oracle 1z0-590 Exam With Confidence Using Practice Dumps

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Exam Name:
Oracle VM 3 for x86 Essentials
Last Updated:
Jan 31, 2025
Exam Status:
Oracle 1z0-590

1z0-590: Oracle VM Exam 2024 Study Guide Pdf and Test Engine

Are you worried about passing the Oracle 1z0-590 (Oracle VM 3 for x86 Essentials) exam? Download the most recent Oracle 1z0-590 braindumps with answers that are 100% real. After downloading the Oracle 1z0-590 exam dumps training , you can receive 99 days of free updates, making this website one of the best options to save additional money. In order to help you prepare for the Oracle 1z0-590 exam questions and verified answers by IT certified experts, CertsTopics has put together a complete collection of dumps questions and answers. To help you prepare and pass the Oracle 1z0-590 exam on your first attempt, we have compiled actual exam questions and their answers. 

Our (Oracle VM 3 for x86 Essentials) Study Materials are designed to meet the needs of thousands of candidates globally. A free sample of the CompTIA 1z0-590 test is available at CertsTopics. Before purchasing it, you can also see the Oracle 1z0-590 practice exam demo.

Oracle VM 3 for x86 Essentials Questions and Answers

Question 1

Identify the three statements that correctly describe the use of the job framework and event system in the Oracle VM manager.



The job framework and event systems are optional which are intend for expert administration who need to automate large complex operation in Oracle VM.


You can suppress events toward excessive notification messages to pages and to emails.


The lock iconthat appears in your object icon in the VM manager indicate that the object is the part of the job. This is a process you cannot perform action on locked object.


Every Oracle VM management action dispatched to an Oracle VM server agent is performed as ajob.


Event provide accountability and an audit trail to identify which job performed by whom, when they were performed and that the status of the operation.


When a job is aborted or fail you must acknowledge the failure to ensure that all the logsby the job are released and system is role backed to its original state.

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Question 2

When an Oracle VM server starts, by default how does it map physical NICs to Xen bridges?



Each physical NIC is mapped to one or more virtual networks, each of which is assigned a Xen bridge.


One Xen bridge will be created for each physical NIC.


All physical NICs are mapped to a single Xen bridge.


No mapping of physical NICs to Xen bridges is done by default.


The first physicalNIC is assigned to dom0's management; a Xen bridge is then created for each of the remaining cards.

Question 3

What is the effect of running a server pool restores?



When you restore a server pool, all the data stored in the Oracle VM Manager database Isdeleted, and the data in the server pool master and virtual machine servers is used to restock the database.


When you restore a server pool, all servers are removed from the pool, and the data in the database is removed, restoring the server pool to its initial state.


When you restore a server pool, all the data stored in the server pool master will be deleted, and will be synchronized with the latest information from the Oracle VM Manager database. The server pool master is responsible for updating the individual Oracle VM servers' agent databases.


When you restore a server pool, a signal is sent out toeach server in the pool, which responds with the current state of all of the virtual machines it hosts. This data is used to restore the data in the Oracle VM database.