Which of the following findings should be of GREATEST concern to an IS auditor reviewing an organization s newly implemented online security awareness program'?
Only new employees are required to attend the program
Metrics have not been established to assess training results
Employees do not receive immediate notification of results
The timing for program updates has not been determined
The greatest concern for an IS auditor reviewing an online security awareness program is that metrics have not been established to assess training results. Without metrics, it is difficult to measure the effectiveness of the program and identify areas for improvement. The other findings are also issues that need to be addressed, but they are not as significant as the lack of metrics. References: CISA Review Manual (Digital Version), Chapter 5, Section 5.3.11
What would be an IS auditor's BEST course of action when an auditee is unable to close all audit recommendations by the time of the follow-up audit?
Ensure the open issues are retained in the audit results.
Terminate the follow-up because open issues are not resolved
Recommend compensating controls for open issues.
Evaluate the residual risk due to open issues.
The best course of action for an IS auditor when an auditee is unable to close all audit recommendations by the time of the follow-up audit is to evaluate the residual risk due to open issues. Residual risk is the risk that remains after the implementation of controls or mitigating actions. Evaluating the residual risk due to open issues can help the IS auditor assess the impact and likelihood of the potential threats and vulnerabilities that have not been addressed by the auditee, as well as the adequacy and effectiveness of the existing controls or mitigating actions. Evaluating the residual risk due to open issues can also help the IS auditor prioritize and communicate the open issues to the auditee and other stakeholders, such as senior management or audit committee, and recommend appropriate actions or escalation procedures.
Ensuring the open issues are retained in the audit results is a course of action for an IS auditor when an auditee is unable to close all audit recommendations by the time of the follow-up audit, but it is not the best one. Ensuring the open issues are retained in the audit results can help the IS auditor document and report the status and progress of the audit recommendations, as well as provide a basis for future follow-up audits. However, ensuring the open issues are retained in the audit results does not provide an analysis or evaluation of the residual risk due to open issues, which is more important for informing decision-making and action-taking.
Terminating the follow-up because open issues are not resolved is not a course of action for an IS auditor when an auditee is unable to close all audit recommendations by the time of the follow-up audit, but rather a consequence or outcome of it. Terminating the follow-up because open issues are not resolved may indicate that the auditee has failed to comply with the agreed-upon actions or deadlines, or that the IS auditor has encountered significant obstacles or resistance from the auditee. Terminating the follow-up because open issues are not resolved may also trigger further actions or sanctions from the IS auditor or other authorities, such as issuing a qualified or adverse opinion, withholding certification, or imposing penalties.
Recommending compensating controls for open issues is not a course of action for an IS auditor when an auditee is unable to close all audit recommendations by the time of the follow-up audit, but rather a possible outcome or result of it. Compensating controls are alternative or additional controls that are implemented to reduce or eliminate the risk associated with a weakness or deficiency in another control. Recommending compensating controls for open issues may be appropriate when the auditee is unable to implement the original audit recommendations due to technical, operational, financial, or other constraints, and when the compensating controls can provide a similar or equivalent level of assurance. However, recommending compensating controls for open issues requires a prior evaluation of the residual risk due to open issues, which is more important for determining whether compensating controls are necessary and feasible.
Follow-up Audits - Canadian Audit and Accountability Foundation 1
Conducting The Audit Follow-Up: When To Verify - The Auditor 2
Internal Audit Follow Ups: Are They Really Worth The Effort
During which phase of the software development life cycle is it BEST to initiate the discussion of application controls?
Business case development phase when stakeholders are identified
Application design phase process functionalities are finalized
User acceptance testing (UAT) phase when test scenarios are designed
Application coding phase when algorithms are developed to solve business problems
The best phase of the software development life cycle to initiate the discussion of application controls is the application design phase when process functionalities are finalized. Application controls are the policies, procedures, and techniques that ensure the completeness, accuracy, validity, and authorization of data input, processing, output, and storage in an application. Application controls help prevent, detect, or correct errors and fraud in software applications. Examples of application controls include input validation, edit checks, reconciliation, encryption, access control, audit trails, etc.
The application design phase is when the software requirements are translated into a logical and physical design that specifies how the application will look and work. This phase is the best time to discuss application controls because it allows the developers to incorporate them into the design specifications and ensure that they are aligned with the business objectives and user needs. By discussing application controls early in the design phase, the developers can also avoid costly rework or changes later in the development process.
The other phases are not as optimal as the application design phase to initiate the discussion of application controls. A. Business case development phase when stakeholders are identified. The business case development phase is when the feasibility, scope, objectives, benefits, risks, and costs of a software project are defined and evaluated. This phase is important for obtaining stakeholder approval and support for the project, but it is too early to discuss application controls in detail because the software requirements and functionalities are not yet clear or finalized. B. User acceptance testing (UAT) phase when test scenarios are designed. The user acceptance testing phase is when the software is tested by the end-users or stakeholders to verify that it meets their expectations and requirements. This phase is too late to discuss application controls because it is near the end of the development process and any changes or additions to the application controls would require retesting and revalidation of the software. C. Application coding phase when algorithms are developed to solve business problems. The application coding phase is when the software design is translated into executable code using programming languages and tools. This phase is not ideal to discuss application controls because it is after the design phase and any changes or additions to the application controls would require redesigning and recoding of the software.
ISACA, CISA Review Manual, 27th Edition, 2019, p. 2471
ISACA, CISA Review Questions, Answers & Explanations Database - 12 Month Subscription2
What Is Application Control? | McAfee3
What Is Application Lifecycle Management? | Red Hat4
A characteristic of a digital signature is that it
is under control of the receiver
is unique to the message
is validated when data are changed
has a reproducible hashing algorithm
A digital signature is a specific type of e-signature that is backed by a digital certificate. A digital certificate is a document that contains the public key of a signer and is issued by a trusted third party called a certificate authority (CA). A digital signature provides proof of the identity of the signer and the integrity of the signed document.
A characteristic of a digital signature is that it is unique to the message. This means that a digital signature cannot be copied from one document to another without being detected as invalid. A digital signature is created by applying a mathematical function called a hashing algorithm to the document. A hashing algorithm produces a fixed-length output called a hash or digest from any input data. The hash is unique to the input data; any change in the input data will result in a different hash.
The signer then encrypts the hash with their private key (a secret key that only they know) to create the digital signature. The encrypted hash is attached to the document as the digital signature. The recipient of the document can verify the digital signature by decrypting it with the signer’s public key (a key that is publicly available and matches the private key) to obtain the hash. The recipient then applies the same hashing algorithm to the document to generate another hash. The recipient then compares the two hashes; if they match, it means that the document has not been altered and that the signer is authentic.
Therefore, a digital signature is unique to the message because it is derived from the hash of the message, which is unique to the message.
7: Free Online Signature Generator (Type or Draw) | Signaturely
8: What are digital signatures and certificates? | Acrobat Sign - Adobe
9: eSign PDF with Electronic Signature Free Online - Smallpdf
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